Technical Experience:

  • 3+ years of industry experience in popular, well used programming languages, mainly Python, JavaScript.
  • Worked extensively on on-demand Python web frameworks (Django, Fast API) over the last 3 years.
  • Experienced in developing UI components and integrating APIs in Front End frameworks (React).
  • Proficient in designing, developing, and managing DBMS Schemas, functions, triggers, and more, both with and without ORM integration. Extensive hands-on experience with Postgres and Sqlite.
  • Other well known languages and technologies include Git, Linux, MAC OS and Azure & AWS services.

Work Experience:

Full Stack Engineer - (PyjamaHR)

Aug, 2023 - Present
At PyjamaHR, I am responsible for end-to-end feature development, deployments and maintenance, 3rd party integrations, building data pipelines, server migrations and more.
Key Accomplishments:
  • Involved as a main engineer for a monetized AI based video interview chat bot, which became a huge hit among international clients and resulted in increased cash flow.
  • Developed a job description evaluator using AI and slack integration to identify and act on potential spam jobs, which became a success and lead to 99.99% of our jobs to be posted on linkedin without any issues.
  • Optimized our React project modifying the entire structure and build process utilizing lazy loading and other best practices which decreased the initial page load speed from ~7 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.
  • Overtook and acted as the main engineer to develop and manage all the payment integration flows of the platform integrating Stripe.
  • Re-written reports API handling 50+ Million candidates data and thousands of jobs data providing extensive ETA to the user in under a second.

Technologies used: Django, PostgreSQL, Celery, React, Typescript, Redis, Redux, Docker, Git and Azure Services.

Software Engineer (Full Stack), Highbreed Development Pvt. Ltd. (MRKT365)
Aug, 2021 - Aug, 2023
At Highbreed, I am responsible for end-to-end feature development, which involves database table design, database management, reliable backend, 3rd party intergrations and API development in a microservice architectured project, development of UI components and API integration, UX enhancements, and a little bit of DevOps handling.

Key Accomplishments:
  • Developed and integrated a successful real-time messaging application utilising websockets and RabbitMQ for seamless communication between users, which resulted in increased user activity.
  • Engineered a super admin portal from scratch and played a significant part in developing the backend server, frontend client, and their integration. Thanks to this tool administration level management became effortless.
  • Volunteered and succeeded in setting up hot reload and a debugger setup for all our FastAPI apps (running inside a Docker container) by connecting VS code's run and debug module to Docker. This feature led to remarkably decreased debugging time and increased productivity.

Technologies used: Django, Fast API, PostgreSQL, React, Angular, Git, Rabbit MQ, Docker, Celery, and AWS Services.

Additional Projects:

  • Elevator System: Mimics the funtionality of single button elevator systems. Optimally moves the lift based on user requests.
  • Online Attendance Management System - A tool to manage students attendance. Marking attendance using face Recognition is the highlight of this project.
  • Online Leave Management System - A tool for managing leaves and outings.
  • Exam Submission Portal - A portal to submit answers in PDF format. This tool uses a Google drive as its storage server.
  • Grocery Store Management System - A tool to manage groceries and delivery.

Technologies used for the projects mentioned above: Django, JQuery, OpenCV, HTML, CSS, Git, Heroku.

* These are all open source projects and you can find the code for all of these and more in my Github Profile..

Languages and Interests:

  • Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu(Native).
  • Interests: Coding, trying out new technologies, Music, Anime, Mind bending movies/series.